Before scheduling an appointment please read through this entire notification.
is required during services:
- If you have travelled by air or mass transit in the past 7 days.
-If you have had any symptoms or been in close contact with others
that have had any symptoms of ANY communicable illness in the past 7 days.
Health Screening Questionnaire:
We will go through these questions before we can start services.
Please understand the importance of your cooperation and answering these questions honestly.
Hair Stylists are not afforded the luxury of keeping 6 feet away to perform our work.
I am committed to practicing these protocols for your safety and for everyone else
I come in close contact with.
Please contact me to cancel your appointment if you can answer YES to any of these questions at the time of your next appointment.
Questionnaire :
- Have you or anyone in your household had a fever at any time in the past 7 days?
Yes No
- Have you or anyone in your household had a new persistent cough at any time in the past 7 days?
Yes No
- Have you or anyone in your household had any other illness symptoms not related to Covid19 at any time in the past 7 days?
(example: Soar throat, runny nose, unusual headaches, body aches, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, new rash, or lost sense of taste or smell)
Yes No
- Have you or anyone in your household tested positive for Covid19, or had a known exposure to someone with Covid19
at any time in the last 7 days?
Yes No
-End of questionnaire-
If you answer YES to ANY of these questions, regretfully we cannot go forward with your appointment
until you can answer NO to all questions.
Please keep these questions in mind for all future appointments.
48 Hour Cancellation Policy:
If you or anyone in your household does not feel well the day of your appointment, please cancel your appointment.
I will not enforce the usual 48 hour cancellation policy and fee at this time.
I follow the comprehensive sanitation procedures set forth by the MN State Board of Cosmetology including the COVID guidelines recommended by the CDC for all salon procedures, tools and equipment.
While I am implementing every precaution possible
I cannot guarantee that any of these measures will protect you from contracting COVID19.
By making an appointment you understand and accept the personal risks associated with receiving services.
For appointments:
call/Text 612-990-3509
email: [email protected]
Before scheduling an appointment please read through this entire notification.
is required during services:
- If you have travelled by air or mass transit in the past 7 days.
-If you have had any symptoms or been in close contact with others
that have had any symptoms of ANY communicable illness in the past 7 days.
Health Screening Questionnaire:
We will go through these questions before we can start services.
Please understand the importance of your cooperation and answering these questions honestly.
Hair Stylists are not afforded the luxury of keeping 6 feet away to perform our work.
I am committed to practicing these protocols for your safety and for everyone else
I come in close contact with.
Please contact me to cancel your appointment if you can answer YES to any of these questions at the time of your next appointment.
Questionnaire :
- Have you or anyone in your household had a fever at any time in the past 7 days?
Yes No
- Have you or anyone in your household had a new persistent cough at any time in the past 7 days?
Yes No
- Have you or anyone in your household had any other illness symptoms not related to Covid19 at any time in the past 7 days?
(example: Soar throat, runny nose, unusual headaches, body aches, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, new rash, or lost sense of taste or smell)
Yes No
- Have you or anyone in your household tested positive for Covid19, or had a known exposure to someone with Covid19
at any time in the last 7 days?
Yes No
-End of questionnaire-
If you answer YES to ANY of these questions, regretfully we cannot go forward with your appointment
until you can answer NO to all questions.
Please keep these questions in mind for all future appointments.
48 Hour Cancellation Policy:
If you or anyone in your household does not feel well the day of your appointment, please cancel your appointment.
I will not enforce the usual 48 hour cancellation policy and fee at this time.
I follow the comprehensive sanitation procedures set forth by the MN State Board of Cosmetology including the COVID guidelines recommended by the CDC for all salon procedures, tools and equipment.
While I am implementing every precaution possible
I cannot guarantee that any of these measures will protect you from contracting COVID19.
By making an appointment you understand and accept the personal risks associated with receiving services.
For appointments:
call/Text 612-990-3509
email: [email protected]